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Let’s make something delicious


Emily Haygood in the kitchen

Let’s Talk About Food

Food Features

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Healthy Habits

Valentine’s Day Cooking Date Night

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Hi there!

I’m Emily

I’m a certified nutrition coach with a passion for food -I love food- the flavors, the colors, the textures, how it benefits your body, how it can make you feel good and create memories, and how it can convey love. I believe we’d all feel better and be healthier if we just ate real food – no added man-made chemicals, no fillers, no colors, just food.   Read more…

Find a recipe that will fuel your body & your tastebuds.

Eat what fuels you

Recipes that taste amazing and are filled with ingredients that fuel your body for all you require of it each day.

Food Features

I love talking about food – recipes, ingredients, fresh seasonal produce, approaches to eating, basically anything to do with food. Thanks for letting me share it with you!

Healthy Habits

Need some help adding healthy habits to your routine? I have lots of ideas to share with you!