Healthy Happy Life Hacks

Quick, easy tips to make living a healthy lifestyle simpler and sustainable over time.

Healthy Happy Life Hacks

#1 What You Can, When You Can

When life gets in the way of your Healthy Habits and routines, instead of scrapping, them do what you can, when you can. This video shares the basic principle of this Healthy Happy Life Hack. In the video, I give a nutrition example, but it works equally well for physical fitness and general wellness goals. For example, if you have a weekly movement plan of three times in the gym for weight training and two long walks but have a week when you don’t have long stretches of time to devote to physical movement (sick kids, busier work schedule, etc.), do what you can when you can. Maybe you do 5-10 minutes of body weight exercises before you shower and again when you get home in the evening or walk around your house or office when taking phone calls. You could do squats while waiting for the coffee to brew or take 5-10 minutes from your lunch break and go for a walk at a brisker pace than usual. The “What You Can, When You Can” principle allows you to be consistent which is key to sustaining a healthy lifestyle over time.

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